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Yükseltilmiş Yaya Geçidinin Lise Çağındaki Yayaların Kabul Edilebilir Aralık Seçimine Etkisi

Mervegül Uysal, Yalçın Alver
Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi
Publication year: 2021

Ülkemizde taşıt trafiğine oranla yaya trafiğine daha az önem verilmektedir. Bu durumdan kaynaklanan sorunlar arttıkça, yaya davranışlarını anlamaya yönelik çalışmalara olan ilgi de artmaya başlamıştır. Bu bağlamda, makalede lise çağındaki öğrencilerin ışıksız yaya geçitlerinde kabul edilebilir aralık kabulü davranışları incelenmiştir. Çalışma bir önce sonra çalışması olarak düzenlenmiştir. İlk durumda yaya geçidi geleneksel bir ışıksız yaya geçidi iken, ikinci durumda yaya geçidi yükseltilmiş yaya geçidine dönüştürülmüştür. Bu makalede yükseltilmiş yaya geçidinin lise çağındaki öğrencilerin kabul edilebilir aralık davranışına etkilerinin bulunması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada İzmir ilinde bir lise yakınında bulunan ışıksız yaya geçidi seçilmiştir. Veriler sabah saat 7.00-8.00 sa. arasında toplanmıştır. Ofis ortamında video görüntülerinden ayıklanan veriler iki yönlü ve tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) yöntemi kullanılarak çözümlenmiştir. Öğrencilerin kurallara uygun olarak geçişi yaya geçidi yükseltilmiş yaya geçidine dönüştürüldükten sonra artmıştır. Ayrıca ortalama taşıt hızları ve %85’lik taşıt hızları hem yaya geçidi yükseltilmeden önce hem de yükseltildikten sonra hesaplanmıştır.

Urban Road Network Maintenance Scheduling Using Ant Colony Optimization

İlyas Cihan Aksoy, Mehmet Metin Mutlu, Yalçın Alver
Gazi University Journal of Science
Publication year: 2021

In this study, an optimization model for road maintenance scheduling is proposed. The proposed model determines a maintenance schedule for a given set of links in an urban road network, that minimizes the total travel time during the maintenance period under a set of assumptions and a particular crew number constraint. It is assumed that all lanes of a road to be repaired are closed to traffic during the maintenance. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), a suitable algorithm for discrete transportation problems, is employed in the proposed model. The model generates a set of roads to be closed for each maintenance day. The total travel time during the whole maintenance period is calculated using the deterministic user equilibrium assignment model. The proposed model is applied to a test network, and more efficient schedules in terms of total travel time are obtained compared to randomly generated schedules.

Transit Frequency Optimization Using Firefly Algorithm and Evaluation of the Parameters

İlyas Cihan Aksoy, Mehmet Metin Mutlu, Yalçın Alver
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Research
Publication year: 2021

Son yıllarda şehirlerin nüfus ve arazi kullanımı açısından hızla büyümeleri, trafik sıkışıklıkları, artan seyahat süreleri, trafik kazaları, hava ve gürültü kirliliği gibi ulaşım tabanlı problemlerin artmasına yol açmıştır. Toplu taşıma sistemlerinin türel payını artırmak, ortaya çıkan problemleri yatıştırmak için en etkili yöntemlerden biri olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bununla birlikte, özellikle kısıtlı kaynaklara sahip ülkelerde toplu taşıma sistemleri sürdürülebilir kentsel hareketliliği sağlayabilmek için verimli bir şekilde kullanılmalıdır. Yatırım maliyetine ihtiyaç duymadan, sadece toplu taşıma hatlarının frekanslarını ayarlayarak, daha verimli bir toplu taşıma sistemi sağlanabilir. Bu çalışmada, belirli bir filo kısıtı altında toplam kullanıcı maliyetini en küçüklemek için, ulaşım ağ tasarım problemlerinde nispeten yeni bir metasezgisel olan Ateşböceği Algoritması (AB) tabanlı bir toplu taşıma frekans ayarlama modeli sunulmaktadır. Önerilen model, seçilen parametre değerlerinin sonuçlar üzerindeki etkisini göstermek için farklı parametre kombinasyonları kullanılarak 10 rotalı Mandl Test Ağı üzerinde test edilmiştir. Ardından, kalibre edilmiş parametre değerleri ile elde edilen 30 çözüm arasından en iyi çözüm 10 rotalı toplu taşıma ağının mevcut frekans değerleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuçlar, AB algoritmasının parametreleri için doğru değerler seçilerek daha iyi çözümler elde edebilebileceğini göstermektedir.

Evaluation of pedestrian critical gap and crossing speed at midblock crossing using image processing

Yalçın Alver, Pelin Önelçin, Ahmet Çiçekli, M.Abdel-Aty
Accident Analysis & Prevention
Publication year: 2021

Pedestrians confront risky situations at midblock sections due to the unyielding behavior of drivers. Thus, pedestrians have to wait for an appropriate gap to cross. This research investigates pedestrians’ gap acceptance and crossing speed for midblock crossings by image processing methods in Izmir, Turkey. A total of 498 pedestrians have been tracked at two midblock crossings. The data were collected for one hour at each midblock crossing during the evening peak hour between 5.00–6.00 p.m. Three synchronized cameras were used to record pedestrian crossings. Then, by using image processing, vehicle and pedestrian trajectories have been obtained. Two cameras were mounted on telescopic tripods reaching up to 9 m, and the third camera was used to identify pedestrians’ gender better. The parameters extracted from the recordings are; pedestrians’ gender, group size, whether they carried items or not, and their accepted/rejected gaps. Pedestrian and item detection has been performed by YOLOv3 and YOLACT models. The accepted and rejected time gaps were extracted for pedestrians, excluding the pedestrians who crossed between stopped vehicles and crossed when an approaching vehicle did not exist within 100 m from the midblock crossing. Raff’s method was used to estimate the critical gap using accepted/rejected gaps. The critical gaps ranged between 4.1 s and 6.2 s. The 15th percentile crossing speeds were found to be similar, ranging between 0.78 m/s and 0.80 m/s.

COVID-19 transmission risk minimization at public transportation stops using Differential Evolution algorithm

Mehmet Metin Mutlu, İlyas Cihan Aksoy, Yalçın Alver
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research
Publication year: 2021

Public transportation vehicles, with their confined spaces and limited ventilation, are considered among the primary factors in the spread of COVID-19. As a measure to slow the spread of the virus during the pandemic, governments have applied passenger capacity restrictions to ensure physical distancing. On the other hand, the increase in the risk of disease transmission associated with passengers waiting together at stops is omitted. In this study, we consider the risk of disease transmission as a travel cost and formulate a risk minimization problem as a transit network frequency setting problem. We develop a bi-level optimization model minimizing the total infection risk occurring at stops, namely, the cumulative disease transmission risk cost. The Differential Evolution algorithm is employed to cope with the NP-hard bi-level transportation network design problem. We propose a novel objective function for the upper-level model, considering the infection risk cost based on passenger traffic at public transportation stops. A congested user-equilibrium transit assignment model is utilized to determine passenger movement. The proposed model is applied to a small-size hypothetical network, and a mid-size test network. Experimental studies provide evidence that the model can produce optimal solutions. Optimization results show significant improvements in the reduction of disease transmission risk compared to the optimizations depending on the traditional practice of transportation network planning based on user and operator costs. The proposed model provides risk cost reductions of 51% and 22% compared to the optimal solutions based on user cost minimization in the hypothetical network and Mandl’s network, respectively.

Üst geçit bölgelerinde kural dışı geçiş yapan yaya davranışlarının irdelenmesi ve yürüyen merdivenin üst geçit kullanım oranına etkisi

Pelin Onelcin, Yalcin Alver
Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi
Publication year: 2018

Trafik bir bütün olarak değerlendirildiğinde yayaların önemli bir etmen olduğu açıktır. Geçmişte yaya davranışları çok az çalışmada incelenmiş olsa da son dönemde farklı ülkelerde yürütülen çalışmalar sayesinde yayalarla ilgili detaylı bilgi toplanılmaya başlanmıştır. Çalışmalar genellikle ışıklı yaya geçitlerinde yürütülmüş olup üst geçit bölgelerini kapsayan çalışmalar sınırlı sayıdadır. Çalışma kapsamında yürüyen merdivenin üst geçit kullanımına etkisini belirlemek adına İzmir’de benzer yol geometrisine sahip iki adet üst geçit bölgesi belirlenmiştir. İki üst geçit bölgesinde de yayanın yol seviyesinde geçişini engelleyecek fiziksel engel bulunmamaktadır. Ayrıca aynı üst geçit bölgesinde yayalara kısa bir anket uygulanarak, kullanmış oldukları yaya üst geçidine ait güvenlik algılarının ortaya çıkarılması ve yaptıkları geçiş hakkındaki bireysel değerlendirmelerinin öğrenilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Üst geçit kullanan yayaların geçiş süreleri ile kural dışı geçiş yapan yayaların geçiş süreleri belirlenerek üst geçit tutarlılık oranı belirlenmiştir. Yürüyen merdiven bulunan ve bulunmayan üst geçit bölgeleri için tutarlılık oranı bağıntısının geçerliliği değerlendirilmiştir. Bağıntının sadece zaman parametresini dikkate alması nedeniyle farklı özellikteki üst geçitler için gözden geçirilmesi önerilmiştir. Toplanan veriler değerlendirildiğinde yürüyen merdiven bulunmayan üst geçit bölgesinde ortalama karşıdan karşıya geçme hızı 1.72 m/s, yürüyen merdiven olan üst geçit bölgesinde ise 1.63 m/s olarak bulunmuştur.

Gap acceptance of pedestrians at overpass locations

Yalcin Alver, Pelin Onelcin
Transportation Research Part F
Publication year: 2018

Most of the studies related to pedestrian behavior focus on signalized intersections while a few focus on overpasses. In this study pedestrians’ behaviors at overpass locations are investigated. For this purpose, two overpass locations were selected and pedestrians either using the overpass or crossing illegally were recorded by video cameras and 2713 accepted/rejected time gaps were measured. Raff’s method (deterministic approach) is used to estimate the critical gap. The collected data were then evaluated by a binary logit model (probabilistic approach) to estimate time gaps. The selected overpasses were observed on weekdays continuously for six hours. At the overpass locations 656 illegal crossings were observed on weekdays continuously for six hours. Safety margin of 377 pedestrians were evaluated by ANOVA analysis to identify the significant factors. ANOVA results revealed that interactions of gender, age, and vehicle position, items carrying, group size had significant effects on safety margin.

Illegal road crossing behavior of pedestrians at overpass locations Factors affecting gap acceptance crossing times and overpass use

Accident Analysis Prevention, Volume 80,Pp 220-228.
Publication year: 2015


The aim of designing overpasses is to provide safe road crossings for pedestrians by helping them to avoid conflicts with motor vehicles. However, the number of pedestrians who do not use overpasses to cross the road is very high. An observational survey of illegal road crossings was conducted at four overpass locations in Izmir, Turkey to determine the crossing time, crossing speed of the pedestrians and their distance and time gap perception for safe road-crossing within 25 m of the overpasses in both directions. Crossing time is the time needed for a pedestrian to cross a particular road. Time gap is strongly related with safety margin. If a pedestrian chooses a larger time gap, then the arrival time of the oncoming vehicle to the crossing point of the pedestrian increases thus, the possibility of a collision decreases. Each overpass was observed on weekdays during peak afternoon (12.30-13.30) and evening hours (17.00-18.00). At all overpass locations 454 illegal crossings were observed. ANOVA results revealed that age had a significant effect both on safety margin and crossing time. During the observations a survey was conducted among pedestrians who completed their crossings either using the overpass or at street level within 25 m of the overpass (n=231). Factors affecting the crossing choice of pedestrians were specified in the surveys. The major part of the respondents (71.7%) indicated that time saving was the main reason for crossing at street level. Pedestrians’ crossing speeds were extracted from the video recordings to observe the effect of speed limit on pedestrian behavior. As a result, at locations where the speed limit was 70 km/h, pedestrians’ average crossing speed was found to be 1.60 m/s and 1.73 m/s while at locations where the speed limit was 50 km/h, pedestrians’ average crossing speed was found to be 1.04 m/s and 0.97 m/s. This shows that pedestrians feel safer while crossing when the vehicle speed is low.

Illegal crossing behavior of pedestrians at signalized intersections: Factors affecting the gap acceptance

Pelin Onelcin, Yalcin Alver
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Volume 31, May 2015, Pages 124-132
Publication year: 2015


Purpose of designing crosswalks is to allow pedestrians to cross the roads safely avoiding conflicts between pedestrians and motorized vehicles. However, pedestrians do not always comply with the crossing rules, whether it is timing (signalization) and/or location (crossing facility). An observation survey of illegal crossings was conducted at six intersections in Izmir, Turkey to determine the distance and time gap perception of the pedestrians for safe road-crossing within the 25 m of the crosswalk. Each intersection was observed on weekdays during afternoon (12.30–13.30) and evening peak hours (17.00–18.00). Totally, 444 illegal crossings were observed at all intersections. Data were analyzed playing the video recordings in office. All roads were consisted of two lanes. In this study pedestrians’ illegal crossing behavior at signalized intersections depending on the position of the oncoming vehicle is of interest. Safety margins and crossing times of the pedestrians were also reported. Position of the vehicle was determined for the first lane at the instant the pedestrian stepped the lane. Pedestrians’ distance gap perception was categorized into five groups depending on the position of the oncoming vehicle which are; vehicle is within the 25 m of the crosswalk, vehicle is within the 25–50 m of the crosswalk, vehicle is within the 50–75 m of the crosswalk, vehicle is just beyond 75 m, and vehicle is out of field of view. Factors affecting the distance gaps, safety margins and crossing times were analyzed by ANOVA. The most significant effect was the vehicle speed in all analysis. Pedestrians based their decision of crossing on distance rather than time gap.

Interaction between socio-demographic characteristics: Traffic rule violations and traffic crash history for young drivers

Yalcin ALVER, M. Caner DEMIREL, M. Metin MUTLU
Accident Analysis & Prevention Volume 72, Pp 95-104.
Publication year: 2014


Young drivers’ high traffic violation involvement rate and significant contribution to traffic crashes compared to older drivers creates the need for detailed analyses of factors affecting young drivers’ behaviors. This study is based on survey data collected from 2,057 18-29 year old young adults. Data were collected via face-to-face questionnaire surveys in four different cities in Turkey. The main objective of this study is to identify the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics, traffic rule violations, and traffic crashes among young drivers. Four main traffic rule violations are examined: red light violations, seat belt violations, speeding, and driving under the influence of alcohol, which are decisive in determining driving behavior and traffic crashes. The survey investigates the socio-demographic characteristics, traffic rule violation behavior and traffic crash histories of young adults. Four hypothetical scenarios were prepared for each traffic rule violation and data from the scenarios were modeled using the ordered probit model. Significant variables affecting each traffic rule violation are stated. Finally, significant variables that interact with crash involvements were investigated with binary logit models. According to the data analysis, 23.9% of drivers stated that they were involved in at least one traffic crash within the last three years. This crash rate increases to 38.3% for those who received at least one traffic citation/violation in last three years and peaks to 47.4% for those who were fined for seat belt violations in last three years.

Genç Sürücülerin Trafik Kural İhlalleri ve Sosyo Ekonomik Yapıları Arasındaki İlişkiler Aydın ve Malatya Örnekleri

M. Metin MUTLU, Yalcin ALVER
PAJES, 20(9), 344-350.
Publication year: 2014

Sosyo-ekonomik verilere dayanarak yapılan çalışmalara göre gençlerin trafik kural ihlallerine daha eğilimli olduğu ve tüm dünyada genç sürücülerin, özellikle heyecan arama ve tecrübesizlik nedeniyle, trafik kazalarında büyük rol oynadığı bilinmektedir, bu nedenle genç nüfusun yoğun olduğu ülkemizde genç sürücü davranışları incelenmelidir.
Bu çalışmanın ana hedefi; genç sürücülerin (18-29 yaş) trafik kurallarına ne kadar uyduklarını belirlemek ve genç sürücülerin sosyo-ekonomik yapıları, sürüş tecrübeleri gibi değişkenlerle trafik ihlalleri arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığını açıklamaya çalışmaktır.
Çalışmada sürücü eğilimlerinin saptanmasında ve trafik kazalarında belirleyici olan; kırmızı ışıkta geçme, emniyet kemeri takmama, hız sınırını aşma ve alkollü araç kullanma olmak üzere dört ana kural ihlali incelenmiştir. Genç sürücülerin trafik kural ihlalleri ile sürüş davranışları arasındaki ilişkileri detaylı incelemek için yapılan anket çalışması ile toplanan veriler bu çalışmada kullanılmıştır. Kişisel Bilgiler ve Kural İhlalleri grupları altında toplanan sorulardan oluşan anket çalışması Aydın ve Malatya İlleri Merkez İlçelerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. sürücü ehliyetine sahip ve en az bir yıldır aktif olarak araç kullanan 18-29 yaş arası sürücüler hedeflenmiştir. Belirtilen özellikleri sağlayan, farklı eğitim ve gelir düzeylerine sahip, Aydın’da 417, Malatya’da ise toplam 400 genç sürücüye yüz yüze anket tekniği kullanılarak anket yapılmıştır.
Sürücülerin sosyo-ekonomik verileri ve sürüş davranışı verileri toplanmış ve bu değişkenler ile kural ihlali yapma eğilimi arasındaki ilişki ikili (binary) logit model kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda genç sürücüler daha yakından tanınmış, gerçekleştirdikleri trafik kural ihlalleri, sürüş davranışları, sosyo-ekonomik ve demografik yapıları arasında ne gibi ilişkiler olduğu ortaya çıkarılmıştır.

Evacuation plan of an industrial zone: Case study of a chemical accident in Aliaga, Turkey and the comparison of two different simulation softwares

Pelin Onelcin, Mehmet Metin Mutlu, Yalcin Alver
Safety Science, Volume 60, December 2013, Pages 123-130
Publication year: 2013

Variant Concept of Transportation Disadvantaged Evidence from Aydin, Turkey and Yamaga, Japan

Yavuz DUVARCI ,Tan Yigitcanlar, Yalcin ALVER, Shoshi MİZOKAMİ
Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Volume 137(1), Pp 82-90.
Publication year: 2011

Transportation-disadvantaged groups have been defined in previous studies as those who are low income earners, are family dependent, have limited access to private motor vehicles and public transport services, and are obliged to spend relatively more time and money on their trips. Additionally the disabled, young, and elderly are commonly considered to be among the transportation-disadvantaged. Although generally this definition seems correct, it is not specific enough to become a universal definition that could apply to all urban contexts. This paper investigates whether perceptions of travel difficulty vary as does the definition of transportation-disadvantaged in socioculturally different urban contexts. For this investigation, the writers undertake a series of statistical analyses in a case study of Yamaga, Japan, and compare the findings with a previous case study, in which the same methodology, hypothesis, and assumptions were applied to a culturally and demographically different settlement in Aydin, Turkey. After comparing the findings observed in Aydin with the statistical analysis results in Yamaga, this paper reveals that there can be no detailed, universal definition of the transportation-disadvantaged. The writers conclude that the characteristics of the transportation-disadvantaged are not globally identical, and policies and solutions that work in one locality may not have the same results in another sociocultural context.

IBEM analyses on half cell potential measurement for NDE of rebar corrosion

Je-Woon KYUNG, Sung-Ho TAE, Han-Seung LEE, Yalcin ALVER, Jo-Hyeong YOO
Computers and Concrete, Volume 4, Number 4, Pp 285-298.
Publication year: 2007


Corrosion of Reinforcement (rebar) is nondestructively estimated by the half-cell potential measurement. As is the case with other nondestructive testings (NDT), understanding of the underlying principles should be clarified in order to obtain meaningful results. Therefore, the measurement of potentials in concrete is analytically investigated. The effect of internal defects on the potentials measured is clarified numerically by the boundary element method (BEM). Thus, a simplified inversion by BEM is applied to convert the potentials on concrete surface to those on rebars, taking into account the concrete resistivity. Because the potentials measured on concrete surface are so sensitive to moisture content, concrete resistivity and surface condition, an inverse procedure to convert the potentials on concrete surface into those on rebars is developed on the basis of BEM. It is found that ASTM criterion is practically applicable to estimate corrosion from the potential values converted. In experiments, an applicability of the procedure is examined by accelerated corrosion tests of reinforced concrete (RC) slabs. For practical use, the procedure is developed where results of IBEM are visualized by VRML (Virtual Reality modeling Language) in three-dimensional space.

A combined RP-SP route choice study between expressway and ordinary roads by using route choice survey's data

Yalcin ALVER , Shoshi MİZOKAMİ
Instrastructure Planning Review, Volume 23, Pp 521-532.
Publication year: 2006


In order to solve the traffic congestion problem, it is decided to convert some of the traffic from ordinary road to expressway with discounted toll. A route choice survey was conducted to freight and production companies to collect two different types of data; Revealed Preference (RP) and Stated Preference (SP). Estimation was done in four steps; segmentation model, a route choice model with RP data and a convert model with SP data. Finally, RP and SP data were combined in linear and non-linear models. It is identified that VOT follows a decreasing curve by increasing travel time.